Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Where have you been?

I've been right here!  It's been a busy vacation from blogging-- I've been so entertained by other people's blogs that I didn't even think of updating my own! Two holidays later, and two SNOWS later, I'm ready to get going on a new year getting lots of projects finished up.  Several things did not get finished for this Christmas so we'll make the best of it and make them pressies for next year! How about that? Talk about having a head start!

Business has been hopping at the grocery store so I've been hand embroidering in the spare minutes. Stitching leads to contentment. In fact, one day I was sitting there stitching while somebody else was helping the customer, and the customer looked over at me and commented on how contented I looked! That felt good.

We've lost 2 cats in 2 months, the first from old age (heart attack I guess cuz he was fine 1 minute but gone the next) , the 2nd from kidney failure which the vet says happens to that breed at about this age. Our pets always live long lives which is good but makes for lots-o-tears when they die. Good thing we've got plenty of pets left to hug on!

All the clients quilts that HAD to be out by Christmas got done. That was a relief. Wonder why longarmers have trouble saying "no"?

Happy New Year, all!

1 comment:

fancystitching said...

Welcome back to Blogville! We HAVE missed you, and been wondering what you were up to... knew you were busy-busy-busy!

Enjoy your snow... love to look at it but glad we don't have it. Happy New Year to YOU too, my friend.
