Friday, December 9, 2011

Update: Blog Hop Giveaway starts Dec 10!

Sorry, I thought it started today but it's tomorrow through Dec 17!  Tomorrow morning, go here Quilting Gallery Blog Hop page to find a list of all the blogs participating in the Christmas Blog Hop Giveaway.  Wait-- don't go there until you register for mine!  I'll be sharing a dozen fat quarters with the winner here. There are lots of different color combinations that I'll be choosing from. These are just right to help you finish out your own STASH when you find you're short of a certain color for that next Scrappy Quilt you're going to make/ And to enter, leave a comment telling me how many projects you have YET TO FINISH between now & Christmas. 
12 Fat Quarters in each package, hand selected for color range. Available for purchase at
 Yesterday, DH (he's such a dear!) got a substitute so I could stay home to put a little speed to finishing up some of the projects I'm committed to before Christmas.  I got TWO completely finished!  One's a T-shirt quilt out of McDonalds shirts, and the other is a lady's very 1st quilt!  I'll need to get permission before posting the T-shirt quilt but I will show you a piece of the border:
See the Golden Arches Supper Club "M" in the border? 
Yes, my arches could use some improvement but I thought it was a cute idea. The McD's fabric just makes it.  Good choice, young lady!

Some months ago, I came across Zentangle which is a method of doodling with pens & paper. It always looks beautiful but I haven't actually drawn any. Take a look at ! Awesome!  So this week I got their newsletter which led to a video showing a shape called Mooka .
The video shows the mookas done in a nesting and I had fun quilting some yesterday.

And then I had great fun doing the swirls in the border! Really fun!
No matter how much fun I have actually DOING the quilting, 
the best part is pulling that quilt off the table and feeling
its weight & body- the quilty part! Trim of the batting & backing edges getting it
ready for binding. Gives a finished look even without the binding.
I have to go back to work at the store today. Drat! Oh well, we wouldn't want to much of a good thing, would we? Besides, I get used to seeing our frequent customers and it's like not getting
to see good friends when we miss being at the store. Yesterday was sure a treat.
Merry Christmas, and don't forget to comment to enter the giveaway!


Karen said...

Ohhh,love that quiting design, You are so talented. I'd give my riught arm to be able to quilt like this. Beautiful Job ! Glad to hear Stan is giving you some extra time off. Karen

Marilyn said...

Hmmm !!! At least 6 and possibly 8 projects still to do before Christmas. I will get them dodne.
Love your quilting designs - even the arches.

mary mahoo said...

I've got at least 3, and maybe 5 (if I'm ambitious) to finish up before Christmas. Cool idea for the McD quilt!

Ana e os Viraventos said...

I still have all the kids christmas gifts and my boys christmas pajamas to make!

Pattilou said...

I've got an old Christmas Wall Hanging I'd like to finish, but we're getting new flooring in my sewing room and I'm betting, I'll be cleaning up and throwing away some clutter in order to get ready for the installation!

Michell said...

I've got about 5. Be lucky if I get them done

Lucija said...

Only 2 more to go. Thanks for the giveaway!

Gill said...

Wow! incredible quilting!
I have 3 more presents to finish before Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't want to brag but yesterday was Finish Up Friday for me. I had three Christmas presents that were weighing heavy on me. I have to get them in the mail!!! So, that was my Friday and I was so thrilled to pull the last one off the sewing machine. Now I can just play with fabric again.

Maria Wallin said...

Wow such gorgeous quilting!

I have at least 3 but preferably 10 projects to finish before Christmas. Yes I'm insane and very much last minute XD

Terry@ a quilting blog said...

I have about 4 projects to finish before Christmas along with making my Christmas cards. Thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway!

Melinda said...

Luckily only two are needed by Christmas but that still leaves a pile!

Lee Ann L. said...

I don't have any projects that must be completed by Christmas. But then, I rarely do quilting/crafting for gifts. I finished a quilt LAST year for my Mother two days before Christmas. Talk about getting it close! LOL. That is why it is rare that I do projects for holiday or birthday gifts. I do them for "just because" gifts. :-)

Laurel said...

i have two that have to get finished, and a dozen little ones that are milling around in my head!

erica said...

I have a long list and I am slowly crossing things off realizing that there is no way I will get them all done before christmas

Jody Sanders said...

I don't know how long my list is, it's better that way right now :) I have finished 7 projects though, so there is that. Love your quilting.

Mommarock said...

I have all of my shopping done except for my son who is coming home from the military. I'd like to get him some clothes to wear, but I have no idea what size to get for him.. I always have quilting to keep me busy until Christmas finally get's here... I can't wait to see my son!!

Monica said...

I have ZERO projects to finish before Christmas. But then I never started any so that made it easy...hahaha

Mrs.Pickles said...

you do very lovely work!

Chiska said...

I only have 3 "have-to" projects, but about 20 that I'd llike to get done.

Anonymous said...

Your quilting is absolutely gorgeous!

conny's quilts en creaties said...

Many unfinished projects are waiting for a finsh, may one quilting job will be finsihed before christmas! Loveley give away you have here, thank you, I like to give it a change. I love to work on scrappy quilts
I am in the bloghop party as a participant as well, so you might visit my blog and maybe join my give away too. Kind greetings from the Netherlands.

Unknown said...

I don't have any projects I need to finish for Christmas. But I would like to get the 2 Turning Twenty's I have ready for the quilting frame done before the end of the year!

Melissa Corry said...

Between now and Christmas I have 2 projects left. A vast improvement from last week :)

Sunnybec said...

Your quilting is really lovely, I am very new to practice practice practice.

Martina said...

I have about 5 projects to finish! Hope I can get done everything!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

I've been super busy and tend to overestimate my available time, so I have 15 smaller projects (for gifts) and a quilt to finish before Christmas. Thanks for the giveaway! I love your quilt with the butterfly fabric - It's so pretty!

Linda V said...

I am FINISHED with all my Christmas sewing projects! Yippee! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jessica said...

I have 3 projects to finish before Christmas!! - and they are all presents. Thanks for the chance to win :)

LethargicLass said...

3 presents still to finish and more if I have time LOL

Joann said...

oh gee...a couple of pairs of PJ's, a top for me and Roman blinds for the family room...after christmas I hope to sit with my new vintage Singer and try out some FMQ!

Donna Baker said...

yikes, I have some half finished projects (2) and about 3 more to do! your t-shirt quilt looks cute, that's on my future to do list! thanks for the chance to build up my stash!

Melissa said...

I have 2 projects left to finish - a surprise quilt for my hubs and a wall hanging for a friend. I have only 6 sewing days left before we head out on vacation and I am trying to make the best out of each one! Thanks for the awesome giveaway - I am hosting one too :)

Maria Kievit said...

Probably quite a few projects to finish. 3 PJ's for nieces, one for a daughter, and several other projects that I have to finish altering.

Sheila said...

I have two large projects and a couple of smaller ones.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Projects...3 more purses, 2 tea towels and 7 small gifts I haven't even chosen yet. Oh dear. blessings, marlene

Janet said...

Phew! I thought you were asking how many all together! Two for Christmas - one baby quilt, one twin quilt. And then if I have more time, an apron. Thanks for a chace at your giveaway.

Joanie's Trendy Quilts said...

I only have one I would like to finish but not have to finish. Last year was my year to make quilts for Christmas presents and fundraisers.

SJSM said...

There's a rag quilt for the newly weds, an iPad case and some small change bags made from zippers for my girlfriends. so a total of six items. Rag quilt just needs six rows to stitch together, iPad case needs binding and the strap and the zipper bags are on the drawing board.

@pril said...

I have 1 unfinished quilt.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I have no projects that I am making this year for Xmas - but I do have a hand quilting quilt that I am trying to finish by the end of the year and I will make it!

Ella said...

I have AT LEAST seven, but one is taking me a really long time....

hueisei said...

I still working on my GFG quilt..
Thx for the chance to win ^^v

tpott said...

I have 1 project left to finish. I tried out my twister ruler with some Nancy Halversen "Tidings" fabric. It's a table runner, that's what I have to do. ;->

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Well I am the odd ball, I am done -Just taking the time now to just enjoy a cross stitch and savor the stitching.

Kathy S. said...

I would like to finish my Chasing Chevrons quilt (FMQ and all!) and a set of placemats before Christmas. The tree skirt will have to wait until next year.

beaquilter said...

I have a barcode quilt for my husband on my frame and I started quilting it, it has to be done before christmas
I'm a new follower

Clare said...

Believe it or not I think I'm up to date. I do have a hand quilting project on the go, but am not stressing about getting it finished before Christmas. If it gets done, it gets done.

How's that for finishing the year!

Lisa England said...

Realistically, I must finish four projects. But in my optimistic mind I'm shooting for six!

Unknown said...

thank you for this chance to win. hugs

JudyCinNC said...

A fantastic giveaway and thank you for the wonderful opportunity. Love the Zentangle inspired quilting. What inspiration. Judy C

mtnquiltr said...

Yet to finish, one, a dress for my smaller gd. I've been stalling because I'd rather be quilting!

Sewing Miles of Smiles said...

2 quilts and 2 pillows. Luckily the pillows are fleece and the quilts are lap quilts.

Grandma M said...

I still have 2 quilts to bind for Christmas.

Flo @ Butterfly Quilting said...

I am getting close!! I have 5 things left to finish!! Wish me luck!
and thanks for the giveaway!

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi! I have 2 projects I need to finish before Xmas. One is a stitchery "Teachers plant seeds of knowledge that last forever" which will be made into a wallhanging for a special someone, and my Xmas quilt that I started a couple of years ago. Finally did the handquilting this year. Just the border and binding to do, so here's hopin' :)
Merry Xmas from Sandy.

Paula Lemos said...

I still have quite a few projects for Christmas gifts that aren't even started! Mainly totes and purses and a couple of pencil cases. Thanks for the giveaway!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

teachpany said...

Great quilting! Glad you got some projects done. It always feels great. I have 7 pairs of pajamas, a table runner, a nightgown, and quilt to finish. Oh, and 2 small purses and something for my young nephew.

Paula Z in AZ said...

I've yet to finish, but must!!
1. My grandson's quilt, using the stitch and flip method but am planning on putting binding on it.

2. My father's quilt - half quilted and my machine gave out :( But DH agreed to let me buy a new machine Laura Ashley NX2000, I'm in love (with my hubby too), LOL Only 6 more rows to quilt, binding and done.

I have to finish both these projects by Dec. 14th, as I'm having surgery on the 15th and will most likely be out of commission for a bit :(

I'd like to Thank You for being part of the blog-hopping, and a chance to win your give-away …. CHEERS!

Rochelle said...

Only two more projects to finish by Christmas. A messenger bag for a nephew and a cardigan for my grandmother. I had better quit hopping and start sewing.

Bright Angel said...

I have 5 that I would love to finish, but only really need to finish 3 different advent calendars. Hope I can get them done! Thank you for the chance to win. :)

Carolyn said...

Your quilting is gorgeous!

I have one more project to finish - I just need to bind a quilt for my son and DIL. I still have some shopping to do, but that's the only hand made project I have left to do. Whew!

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!

Jsoosay said...

I have one. It's a lone star quilt that I started for my husband before we were even married and I've been wanting to get at least the star done for him for Christmas.

Kathy H said...

I still have a few more bags to make and about 20 pillowcases to do before CHristmas.

krisb said...

Your quilting is beautiful. No unfinished projects for me as of today for Christmas, but that likely means I will just think if some more to start.

Purl Buttons said...

No unfinished ones I HAVE to do but I do have 6 I would LIKE to Seven. No, eight.

Carrie P. said...

I think your quilting is just great.
Thanks for sharing your quilts with us and for a chance to win some fabric.
I have wool project I want to finish before Christmas!

Maria Harrits said...

Christmas this year... or just a Christmas... lol! Love your quilting.

bohemiannie! art said...

I have 0 projects to finish! YAY!!!

Jo said...

That was so sweet of your hubby! I always have a never ending list of projects but I muddle thru.

Calicojoan said...

Wow! It all looks great. I don't know what your talking about with your arches needing improvement. They look fabulous to me, and do I love that McDonalds fabrics. What a hoot!

Mhairi said...

I have a lot of projects still to complete. Not only do I have Christmas but between the 24th of December and the 4th of March I have 10 birthdays!!!
So that is a lot of gifts and I try to make half of my list homemade.
This is getting increasingly difficult with so many birthdays right after Christmas.

Nettie said...

I have at least 2 project to finish before Christmas. I am making several of those "potato bags" and a few mug rugs. Just quickie gifts for neighbors and friends. I had to get a jump on the holidays this year because of a family committment.
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for the opportunity to win too.

Lise said...

I have one project left to finish for Christmas.. I still have others but they are ongoing ones that no need to rush til ?? lol..thank you for the entry in your giveaway

Marjorie's Busy Corner said...

I am completely caught up for Christmas..thank you

Patty said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any project to Finish before Christmas

Melinda said...

I still have 6 or 7 projects to finish - I better get busy!

WoolenSails said...

I don't want to think about it, lol.
I have about 8 I won't finish in time, so they will be for next year. I thought I had a head start, but the holidays sure crept up on me;)


Needled Mom said...

Your quilting is just gorgeous. Yep, there is nothing like the feel of it when it is all quilted!!

I have four projects to finish by Christmas, but they may be late this year as I broke my arm. Boo hoo!

Sandra said...

With the hubbie being laid off we aren't giving many gifts this year. So am all caught up. Thank you for the chance to win

Gwen said...

It's been such a hectic year this year that I didn't plan to do any sewing for gifts, however I do have couple of projects that I'd like to get done for decorating my home... Thank you so much for giving us a chance to win a wonderful prize!! :-)

Kristy QP said...

What beautiful quilting!

I have three projects I can think of to finish before Christmas, but it's likely I'll add more!

Anonymous said...

I am lucky as anything and have to finish zero before Christmas, as I had to send them internationally. But I'm sure I can come up with another small project for decorating...

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

I have several things to finish for my daughter...table runner, center piece and some place mats if I can finish. I've been looking at Zentangle also, it look neat! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

judith said...

Nice quilting and t-shirt quilts are fun. Would love to start another project before the end of the year with one of those choice rolls.

Mom C said...

That's nice quilting. I have PJs to finish and pillowcases. I would like to bind 3 quilts and quilt 2 more for our local Care and Share. Don't know if I'm going to get them all done but whatever will be good on the quilts. Thanks for the giveaway.

Jen said...

Love the McD quilt, so cute! Thanks for he giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Projects to finish by Christmas? 6 or 8 depending on whether or not I finish the boys' quilts. Probably they will be after-Christmas gifts. :) Quilted blessings, Nita

Carla G said...

I have six pillow cases to sew up before Christmas. They are all cut out, just need to get them sewn...that is tomorrows project. Thanks for a chance to win some great fabric! :)

Heather said...

Four more projects to finish but I got the quilting done yesterday on the big one. Binding today. Thanks for the chance.

Lee D said...

all the fat quarters look wonderful. I have a T-shirt quilt to make out of soccer jerseys. I am afraid to start!

Cherise said...

Hello! Thanks for a great giveaway! I'm a new follower! I still have two twin size quilts to finish. Happy Holidays! :)

Allycat Creations said...

I have 4 projects to complete still. Not sure how! Thnks for the lovely prizes.

Unknown said...

I have 9 projects left to finish. Thanks for entering my giveaway! What a lovely looking prize you're giving away as well.

Lisa Cox said...

I actually only have 1 project left to finish before Christmas. I'm almost done with the applique and then I just need to quilt it, get it packed up, and shipped off.

Anne said...

Five projects left to finish.

Anonymous said...


Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

I'm pretty much for Christmas sewing - I love your zentagle style quilting!

Quilting Melodies said...

I do have one major project to finish before Christmas. It is a quilt with embroidered flowers. Hope I get it done! Thanks for sharing!

Jan Maree said...

simple - too many!!!! Thanks for joining in the blog hop and for the chance to win

emmy said...

Enjoyed your variety of projects. I have two quilts to finish. Thank you for the giveaway. Fat quarters are so versatile.

Carolyn said...

I have a few baby quilts that need to be finished. One I designed, it's back from the longarm quilter and just needs the binding sewn on. The other I'm still in the middle of piecing. I won't even count the four pieced tops that need to be quilted.

Dianne Giles said...

Love your blog and quilting! I have about 8 UFO's! Sad isn't it?? Oh well, keeps me busy - I love it all!! Thanks for the chance to win your generous giveaway, Dianne

Jen said...

Oh wow what a great giveaway - and your quilts are fabulous too! I have 5 UFOs to finish before Christmas, starting to panic a bit since I have less than 2 weeks. Guess I better put the pedal to the metal :)

Sue Daurio said...

I have two left to finish, one needs to be quilted and the other, well I think it will make a great gift next Christmas!

Tina said...

I have 3 quilts. 2 toquilt and bind an one from scratch. Better get busy. Thank you for a chance to win.

rvquilter said...

I am finishing the quilting on a table topper, making any apron for DGD and matching apron for her doll. that's all!

Marcia said...

I am working on a hand embroidery project, 2 1/2 more squares to go!! Thanks giving me a chance to win fat quarters:)

Maxine said...

I am working on finishing up a bunch of teacher gifts. Thanks for teh chance to win your giveaway. I always need another pack of neutrals to make things interesting.

Nanbon44 said...

I just finished 16 quilts that are being delivered to nursing home and to ill children at Christmas, plus three Christmas wall hangings, so there is just one wall hanging left to do and then I have two baby quilts I need to quilt as I wanted to get those delivered for Christmas.

SewLindaAnn said...

Zentangle has inspired me to do some really neat drawings that I plan on making into a quilt when I have several to start with. I'll have to check out their site, I'd love to see the videos. Your quilting looks really nice, I love the McDonald's fabrics. I'd be afraid I'd always think about Big Macs if I had it around though:) Have a great week.

Unknown said...

I still need to finish some hot pads and aprons before Christmas. So why am I spending hours on the computer? For a chance to win fabric, of course. The hot pads can be seen on my blog, but the aprons are only cut out.

Quilting "b" said...

OH!!!! what an amazing giveaway. I hope someday I have one tenth of your talent. Your quilts are beautiful. I will be a follower from now on. I am sure you will be able to teach me a thing or two or maybe a hundred. Thankyou and Merry Christmas

Quilting "b" said...

Hello Again I forgot to tell you about all my unfinished projects. Two quilts and a table runner. there are many more I would like to start but that will wait till 2012. Thanks again and Happy Holidays

Donna said...

Hello! Didn't know you had a blog. I haven't updated mine in a long time. Maybe I will do better in the new year!! I just finished quilt number 5 to give to my kids on Sunday! Last evening I finished a case for the kindle I am giving my daughter so I am finished with gifts!! Yay!! Would love a fat quarter bundle to enhance my stash.

wlstarn said...

My project is to clean up after all of my projects so my daughter has a place to sleep when she arrives for the holidays!

Kelly said...

Between now and Christmas - zip. I'm taking the last 2 weeks of the year off to close out 2011 and get the dayplanner ready for 2012. That is a project in itself LOL I do have my quilt project planned to start in January. Creative Blessings and Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

What lovely gift, and your quilting is beautiful! I am a new quilter and I am learning FMQ but I have a long way to go to match your skill. Thanks

Diane Wild said...

My projects are finished. Oops, wait. I have one on the table ready to baste. Thank you for the great prize. Happy blogging.

Quiltaholic said...

Gosh, I have my 2 daughters' quilts to finish and I should be able to do that, *fingers crossed* lol!

RobbieJoy said...

Since we're leaving town for Christmas, I'm off the hook for the tree skirt that is going to match the quilt I'm just finishing. Thanks for the chance to win.

Desi @ Wee Share said...

such a fun giveaway!

before Christmas, I just have to weave the ends in on the blanket I crocheted my daughter :)


Lyn said...

Just 3 small ones...I have a week folks don't panic

Average Quilter said...

You do such lovely work. I put one in the frame last night and need it out before Christmas. Nothing like a deadline - right

The Sleepy Dreamer said...

I have one quilt to finish, for my niece Javey. lnb1191(at)aol(dot)com

crafter1953 said...

Hi, Happy Holiday to You and Yours. I only have three projects to finish and that is binding them. Thank you for your giveaway.

Kd Brown said...

Merry Christmas! I've only got one project to finish before Christmas. Great giveaway. Kd

MC said...

I have 5 projects on the go, a quilt, a table runner, a painting, a felt needle book and a felt model of the TARDIS from Dr Who.

Happy Me said...

I have one project left to finish before Christmas - my mom asked me to quilt a quilt she's making for my dad on the longarm at my LQS. So I've reserved time to do it this Sunday.

thank you for the chance to win! I really like your quilting work!

pinsandneedles said...

Just finished one project yesterday and one more to go! Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!

Lori said...

Today I finished my Christmas shopping. I have two table runners to finish and a little table center. Oh yeah and hair for dolls I made. Oh goodness, I am really cutting it close.

Anya said...

Nothing more for me to finish! Thanks for the chance!

Annmarie said...

None for Christmas - tons of other UROs but those can wait! Great giveaway - thanks for the chance to win.

Mindy said...

I have almost too many projects to count :) a tree skirt, 4 t-shirts, a flag and I'm sure a few things I'm forgetting. Thanks for the chance to win!

quiltmom anna said...

I am not sure how to answer your question so I will say that I have four quilts on the go these days that are not finished. Some are well on their way and others are barely started.
I love lots of different colors of fabric- those are some beautiful fat quarters that you are giving away.
Regards from Western Canada,

Darlene B said...

I have a couple small gifts that were getting close, but getting the flu and missing 2 days of work set me back a little bit....not sure if they will get done now!

Susan said...

I have a gazillion unfinished projects, but thank God none have to be done before Christmas. What I have to do before Dec. 22 is clean my sewing room. It almost looks like a tornado has gone through it. My son comes home for Christmas break and that's where he will sleep.

Kelly Cline said...

Trying to finish a 2 year quilt I started for my daughter. I've got 5 days to finish, hand quilting btw!! I shouldn't even be on the computer!! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

mamahen02 said...

Hi! Love your site for #1. smile ...Walking through the fabric store, I got the brillant idea to make red fleece caps for my grandchildren and my sister's grandchildren....SOOOOOOOOOOOO 4 red caps and 1 camoflage for kids ranging from 1 year to 5 years old.

Trails of Grace said...

I have two , only two left to finish! I actually just put the binding on one quilt tonight.. it is in the washer right now!!!!
Merry Christmas and thanks!

Kess said...

I have at least three, if not up to six, depending how fast I can get the more important three done. So, in eleven days...XD I think I have to work fast. Thanks for the giveaway!
kessilari (at) gmail (dot)com

Bricoles Textiles said...

I'm just finishing some mug rugs at the moment. Almost 7 done and I hope I'll have time enough for Some more.
Thanks for the give away
Have a nice day

Editfolt said...

GREETINGS from Hungary. Thanks for playing!
This is a very generous gift.

Amelisdaughter said...

I dont need to finish a project until christmas. It wouldt be opless anyway. YOur giveaway is really nice. Thanks for the chance to win. Katja

Mystica said...

My nephew's quilt is over twelve months in the making. Its pieced and needs to be basted and quilted.

Jackie said...

One I need to finish ans another I should, Thanks for such a generous give away

Dana Gaffney said...

I only have two to finish as long as I don't give in to any of the new ideas floating around in my brain. Thanks.

Mary said...

Making 3 quilts for Christmas: a queen sized and 2 full sized. Queen is done, labeled and bound; will finish the quilting on 2 today, and start binding tomorrow. Top #3 is done and ready to load on my long arm as soon as #2 is offloaded. #2 is custom with rulers so taking longer. #3 will be a panto, that will be fast. I should make the deadline!

Sharon Pernes said...

I have given up on trying to finish any more Holiday projects (I just had surgery and it kinda changed my plans).

Judith said...

I only have one to finish, a scrappy quilt called memories for a sick family member. I doubt whether I will have it done by Christmas as I have so many other things to get done.

Thanks for joining the giveaway &
have a lovely Christmas.

B Greene said...

I have four more scarves that I have to finish!! I wish the clock would slow down for just a couple of days! Thanks for the diversion and the wonderful giveaway!!

Dresden Quilter said...

I have 4 projects I would like to finish before Christmas.

Sandra said...

I am working on my last UFO quilt. It is queen-sized, done in white, purple and blue. I just have to decide on the border. This is my goal. Just to finish this one quilt, which I have, but still need to add the border. I have enjoyed your blog. Of course there is next year. Still, I could add your FQ to my stash and make another queen-sized scrappy quilt - for me. Every quilter needs fabric in her life - so do I. Thank for a fun week. You will have a lot of new friends. Happy Holidays.

Sandi T.

Jocelyn said...

If I can get three finished I will be doing good. One still needs to be mailed :-( Thanks for the great giveaway!

Mary C said...

I am done with the "must do" before Christmas. Have a couple of "would like to do" before Christmas.

nicolesender said...

I'm working on finishing a "Beep Beep" quilt for my grandson.
What a great giveaway!

needle and nest said...

I only have one project left to finish before Christmas. I just finished three this week! Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Marcia B said...

What an AMAZING giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!
I am working on two more projects, but thankfully they are the small ones: table runner & pillowcase!

jqluo said...

You make a very beautiful quilt.
Thanks for the generous giveaway and a chance to win!

Cat said...

I have 3 projects yet to finish. First is a quilt for my MIL, pants for my daughter & some running shorts for my son. We are a tall bunch & so customizing is often necessary.
Thank you for this opportunity for some great new fabrics. Wish I had your talent.

Judi said...

Beautiful quilting! The only project I actually HAVE to finish before Christmas is a stocking for our newest baby (#5) born in July, so he will have one to match everyone elses. I would also like to make pajama pants for all the kids and dad, but I'm running out of time...

Cheri said...

I only have one runner to bind, but I can always find some last minute projects to add! Thanks for the chance.

SassyCathy said...

Nice quilt!
I love those nice looking fabri-packages...
OH yes - my arches are in need of some help too... but - I'm afraid partaking of the BIG M - will only make them fall further from the yummy's in my tummy...
I guess I could make better munching choices - they do have wraps and such - Huh?
Thank you for the chance to win :)
I hope you and yours have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
remember the reason for the season.
Cathy Byrd

Marcia W. said...

Beautiful quilting! Thanks for your generous giveaway. I want to finish a quilt by the end of the year yet have severely injured my back and cannot. I hope I can get to quilting soon.

Marcia W. said...

Beautiful quilting! Blogger crashed on me so am starting again. I have one quilt that wished to finish by year end. But alas, injured my back and cannot. Hope to start again in 2012. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

Anonymous said...

3 small projects that I hope to get done... I always wish there was more time!

Terri said...

I am just starting out, so I don't have anything to finish before Christmas (this year, that is!).

Thanks so much for this opportunity to win this giveaway of goodies and have a wonderful weekend!


CC said...

Thank you for the chance to win your generous giveaway. I have 3 table runners that I'd like to get finished before Christmas. If you were to ask me to say the number of total unfinished projects that need to be done anytime of the year I wouldn't tell just like I wouldn't tell my age, lol. Your quilting is gorgeous! I can't even do decent quilting on a regular sewing machine.

Thearica said...

Thank you for such a fabulous giveaway!

I have 3 more projects to finish before Santa comes so I better get to getting!

Love the arches fabric in the border of that t-shirt quilt. Hope you get permission to show the whole thing!

Martha said...

Only 2 more to go...but they are big ones...need to quilt a top for my "adopted" daughter and I found a beautiful sewing box from India that I am redoing for my LQS owner who gives me so much all year long. Thanks for being so generous. Happy Holidays.

Michele said...

I don't have any projects at all to finish before the big day. Why? Because I didn't start any. LOL With us on vacation last week and both kiddos birthdays happening in the 2 weeks before Christmas, there was no way I could do any holiday projects this year.

Deb said...

I have many UFOs in the works but none to finish before Christmas. I decided not to tax myself this year...although i wanted to make a quilt for my neighbor; my husband talked me out of it! I'd love to be included in your giveaway.

Sandy H said...

I have two quilts left to get bound in a week--should be able to make it! As soon as I'm done visiting blogs for the shop hop, I'll head up to my sewing room to get to work. Enjoyed reading your blog and looking at the eye candy. Thanks for the opportunity!

Peggy said...

I have a couple of gift card holders to make and a microwave potato bag for a friend. I'm mostly finished with my projects, except for these.
Thanks for a chance to win some beautiful fabric.

Luna said...

I have about 20 projects to finish, but I don't think I'm going to make it.

Thank you for the chance to win!


Kelly (at) mysimplewalk (dot) com

Nancy Sue said...

I'm in pretty good shape having only 2 more quilts to sandwich together and quilt up. Then again, I wish I had done more handmade gifts this year, so i guess that isn't so much "pretty good shape". But hey, there is always 2012 :) Merry Christmas from norther Maryland!

magicthimblecreations said...

I don't have anything I must finish, but have a baby quilt I would like to finish. Your peaks of quilts are beautiful.

Cindy F said...

I have 4 projects that should be finished before Christmas! The sad thing is I don't know that any of them will get done....ack!! Thanks for the opportunity!!

JustPam said...

I gave up on finishing a couple of quilts before Christmas. I did finish my smaller projects though.