We get positive reinforcement in many ways. Hubby isn't good at giving it, yet he's tickled by our grand daughter's positive reinforcement of him! He just says "boo" at her & she gives the biggest grin ever! I've never heard anybody say "boo' as many times as he does!
Did you get your Hancock's-Paducah catalog yet? How about your Keepsake Quilting catalog? Amazingly, I got positive reinforcement from both of those! How, you ask? BOTH of the catalogs show kits available that are almost identical to a couple of the kits I have available in my store. Lookie here! This 1st one is a pattern I picked up at Market last October, and I packaged it with a Moda cream jelly roll and a Freedom batik jelly roll . Look how close that is to the kit in Keepsake Quilting and then the one in Hancock's-Paducah! I must be doing something right!
Did you get your Hancock's-Paducah catalog yet? How about your Keepsake Quilting catalog? Amazingly, I got positive reinforcement from both of those! How, you ask? BOTH of the catalogs show kits available that are almost identical to a couple of the kits I have available in my store. Lookie here! This 1st one is a pattern I picked up at Market last October, and I packaged it with a Moda cream jelly roll and a Freedom batik jelly roll . Look how close that is to the kit in Keepsake Quilting and then the one in Hancock's-Paducah! I must be doing something right!
The next kit is one that I've packaged with a free pattern from Moda Bake Shop where the
pattern writer used Terrain fabric, from Moda, of course! See that printed sheet underneath
the fabric? Look closely, now. I've put a Moda Terrain jelly roll together with Moda's Bella
white for the background, and Moda's Tranquility green for the border.
In the Hancock's-Paducah catalog, it's just the pattern showing but hey--
it appears to be from Joanna Figueroa at Fig Tree! I'd doubt the actual instructions
are the same but the quilt tops look alike, don't they?
I might have mentioned that I'll be participating in a blog hop of quilters who
use AccuQuilt GO! machines in February. I've been designing red-n-whites
for my contribution, trying to choose 1 of them that seems completely
original. I'm not sure there IS such a thing as completely original anymore-- somebody
somewhere is sure to have done the same thing thinking there's was original, too.
Oh well- it'll be fun just the same. Hope you'll join us then!
Meanwhile- come see us at Key Grocery and my little Quilt Shop inside. I've
re-arranged all the books & precuts & Stan finally gave me enough room
to get all the bolts up on the shelf!
And-- if you're a gardener, come get your onion sets to get them out. It's TIME!
WOW! You have quite a bit of stock. I am impressed with your little grocery store quilt shop!!
Hi, Alicia. You've certainly been busy! Wouldn't I love to visit your quilt shop?! And you're so right about positive reinforcement--grandchildren give unconditional love.
best, nadia
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