No, Tony the Tuna isn't going to pop out! But really Good Taste is what I just got from a bottle of tea. I don't usually care for bottled tea but this TWO IF BY TEA peach tea is--------WUNderful! So flavor-licious. Know how the scent of a certain food or drink is pleasant before it even gets to your tongue? The peachy-ness of this tea is just right. And not too sweet!
What's this have to do with quilting? I was actually quilting when I heard about this tea the 1st time. And I was loading a quilt while ago but I got side-tracked so I stopped for a break & between the studio & the kitchen was this tea----see? I knew you'd get it!
I finished a quilt over the weekend but I'd forgotten all about it (side-tracked again). That happens alot to us quilters, right? We can hardly wait to work on that other project as soon as we finish "this" one.
The finish is a quilt top that is ????? old- pieced by machine with lots of stains & puffiness, etc. It's owner acquired the top at a garage sale for a very low price. They just didn't know what they were selling, I guess!
I just uncovered the quilt when clearing the Gammill table while ago. I guess it's been "resting" & relaxing since being unleashed from the table so the texture is lovely. I must not have taken a pic before quilting it. The 1st 3 were taken while the quilt was being worked on. Last 3 are AFTER it sat for 4 days.
Just wondering..... does this pic make you worry whether our cats are fed?
And does this one make you wonder what we did that make her pull every single quilt off the cedar chest?
Don't forget the Show Some Love Blog Hop coming up in less than 2 wks.
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