Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I Scored Big Time!

Yesterday I took some very nice clothes to the 2nd hand shop. Occasionally I find something there that I can use craft-wise. Once I bought a pottery tall vase-like thing that I keep knives in on the counter. But yesterday I hit the Jack Pot!
Actually, I'd asked about buying the buttons in the past. Unfortunately the lady's eyesight is failing now and she can't enjoy looking through them for her favorites anymore.  I assured her the buttons would be in good hands.  I had NO idea that I'd have so much fun going through them myself. I'd thought when I needed something besides what I've already got I'd go through the jars then. But since the lady mentioned going through to see her favorites, I thought I'd try it. Loved it! It was fun imagining what kind of garment had which button. Lookee!
And there's a 3rd jar I didn't make it through yet, not that this was anywhere near what was in the 1st 2 jars.  Wonder how I could keep the ones that match together? Maybe string them?  Maybe the little ones with shanks could be gathered onto a large safety pin?  or a piece of floral wire? I'm sure the "plain ole buttons" will end up in appropriate color Baggies already started.

When I was very young our buttons were kept in a large creme shampoo jar. I can't remember the name of the shampoo but the jar was large, maybe gallon size or perhaps the shampoo sold by the weight and then you refilled the smaller jar from the large jar. At any rate, we'd cut pictures from magazines into small shapes and decoupage them to the jar. I remember there was a lone eyeball on 1 side. Some pictures were words or seashores or shoes, anything.

1 comment:

fancystitching said...

How neat! The string and safety pin ideas sound good to me... organization is NOT my strong point. HAHA!!
